Architecting and Engineering Value-Based Ecosystems

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Year of publication 2023
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Citation PELLICCIONE, Patrizio, Barbora BÜHNOVÁ, Sebastian GOTTSCHALK, Ingo WEBER and Gregor ENGELS. Architecting and Engineering Value-Based Ecosystems. Online. In Patrizio Pelliccione, Rick Kazman, Ingo Weber, Anna Liu. Software Architecture: Research Roadmaps from the Community. Neuveden: Springer, 2023, p. 41-68. ISBN 978-3-031-36846-2. Available from:
Description As the digitalization of the human world progresses, people, systems, machines and other entities are forming dynamic and unpredictable ecosystems. Such ecosystems emerge from the mutual interaction of constituent and individual systems, which might be driven by collaborative, competitive, or even malicious goals. In these ecosystems, enhanced by artificial intelligence, humans might find themselves unprotected in their interaction with the digital world, not only in terms of their safety but also in terms of other societal values, such as fairness and privacy. The future of a digital society, where individual systems are incentivised mainly by profit, is unlikely to serve humanity best. As a counter-point, this chapter invites the research community to direct its focus towards methods and techniques of architecting and engineering digital ecosystems where values such as safety, fairness, ethics and privacy are built in by design. Specifically, we illustrate the problem and related challenges, and we outline the steps that community members can take to lead society towards a better path.
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