«Aeternae devotionis domus Sapiehanae» : Jan Frederik Sapega kak tvorec rodovogo kul'ta Koděnskoj Božijej Matěri

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Title in English "Aeternae devotionis domus Sapiehanae" : Jan Fryderyk Sapieha as the creator of the family cult of Our Lady of Kodeń


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Istoričeskoje věče : Problemy vsemirnoj istorii : Sbornik statěj Vtoroj Vserossijskoj (s meždunarodnym učastijem) naučnoj konferencii studěntov i molodych učenych Velikij Novgorod, 8–10. 2. 2023
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web https://portal.novsu.ru/file/2090408
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.34680/978-5-89896-870-0/2023.VECHE.16
Keywords Jan Fryderyk Sapieha; Sapieha family; Our Lady of Kodeń; coronation of miraculous images; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; Kodeń
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Description The coronation of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Kodeń (1723) in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth could be considered not only as a ritual of holy reverence for the Virgin Mary but also as a personal achievement of Jan Fryderyk Sapieha, who was the owner of Kodeń estate. This article examines the canonical ritual from a new point of view: as a result of Sapieha's thoughtful actions, which begin in the early years of the 18th century. He made efforts to turn Kodeń into a centre of pilgrimage and promote the cult of the ancestral icon at the same time. The author identifies five stages, within which Sapieha gradually consolidated the connection of the miraculous image with his family. The plan turned out to be successful, in the year of the coronation the icon was already perceived as a Sapiehian one. The study of the actions of one Polish magnate confirms the influence of the aristocracy in the Commonwealth and shows an example of creating a legend about the Virgin Mary as the guardian of an influential noble family.
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