Oheň, voda, lidská a zvířecí síla. Energetické zdroje v barvířství textilu 18. a 19. století

Title in English Fire, Water, Human and Animal Power. Energy Resources in Textile Dyeing of the 18th and 19th Centuries


Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Description Archaeological research into dyeing plants from 2018 to 2021 uncovered a significant part of the industrial history of Brno and did not only provide further evidence of the energy intensity of textile dyeing, but also document the efforts of factory workers to optimize and streamline the process. What role did fire, water, or human and animal power play in dyeing? The representative examples from Brno and Úštěk will demonstrate the technology and process of dyeing, including archaeological evidence of the use of individual energy sources for heating boilers, soaking, dyeing textile and its final flattening.

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