Nahrazení cookies třetích stran ambiciózním systémem Google FLoC

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Title in English Replacing third-party cookies with Google's ambitious FLoC system


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Právník
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access článku
Keywords privacy; Google; cookies; online marketing; ePrivacy; cohorts; Google Topics
Description Identification of end user devices online and targeting their users is a significantly evolving area that affects the daily lives of billions of people. Under public pressure, technology companies are banning the use of privacy intrusive third-party cookies and coming up with new methods and entire systems for online targeting and behavioural advertising. However, new does not necessarily mean better, it can bring additional or permanent privacy restrictions, as Google has attempted to do with FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts). This article explains the workings of FLoC, which Google planned to use to address the push to ban third-party cookies in its dominant browser, Google Chrome. The sophisticated system of cohorts that Google had been working on for years was intended to completely replace third-party cookies while further improving Google's position in the online marketing market. Not only would Google's implementation of the cohort system worsen the position of other companies offering online behavioural advertising, as they would have to rely on the data provided by the Google Cohort system, but at the same time the new system completely avoided data protection regulation. What changes, cracks, and risks the cohort system was supposed to bring, how members of the professional community as well as other competitors reacted, and what ultimately caused Google to reject its new cohort system, this article attempts to map and discuss from a privacy perspective.
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