Gruppen- und individuelle Ambitionen im Städtischen Raum : Brünner Augustinerprior Andreas Zirkl (1687–1736)

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Title in English Group and individual ambitions in urban space : the Brno Augustinian Prior Andreas Zirkl

MALÝ Tomáš

Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Andreas Zirkl, prior of the Augustinian monastery in Brno, was the most important priest in the city of 1720s. Being a person with high career ambitions and of authoritarian and unorthodox ways of behavior, Zirkl got into serious conflicts with the members of the monastery, with the bishop of Olomouc and with the superiors of the Augustinian order. All this took place in specific social, cultural and spatial contexts, which will be the main focus of the paper. The starting point is the assumption of a close connection between the behavior of individuals and the character of the place of their activity. In the case of Zirkl, one can consider the social (and spatial) structure of the city, the competition of religious orders and other spiritual authorities, the rules of the order community, cultural norms or public events providing the possibility of self-presentation. The set of these aspects represents the possibilities and opportunities for the actions of people inside the city walls.
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