Aristokrat - hospodář - politik: život a svět šlechtice v 19. a 20. století

Title in English Aristocrat - householder - politician: the life and world of a nobleman in the 19th and 20th centuries


Year of publication 2023
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description For aristocratic society, the 19th and 20th centuries represented a period of significant changes and challenges. Particularly (though not exclusively) on social, economic, and political levels. It was precisely during the 19th century and even more significantly during the 20th century that members of the highest strata increasingly had to grapple with the rising civil layers of the population. The workshop, aptly titled "Aristocrat – Landowner – Politician: Life and World of the Nobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries," was focused on the history of the Czech nobility in the modern era. The event featured a series of stimulating contributions presented by recognized experts in the field. Experienced researchers, such as Milan Hlavačka, Aleš Zářický, Dita Homolová, Miloš Hořejš, Michaela Žáková, and Petr Valenta, participated in the discussion. The primary aim of the project was to stimulate discussions about the history of the landowning Czech nobility and its transformations, predominantly in the 19th and 20th centuries. The secondary intention of the workshop's organizers was to create a "platform" for sharing knowledge and experiences among established and emerging researchers.
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