Počátky formování československých obchodních zájmů v Turecku: od mírové smlouvy v Sèrves k mírové smlouvě z Lausanne


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Title in English The beginnings of the formation of Czechoslovak commercial interests in Turkey: from the Peace Treaty of Serves to the Peace Treaty of Lausanne


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Dějiny a dějepis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web https://journals.muni.cz/dejinyadejepis/article/view/36716/31649
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/DD2022-1-2-2
Keywords Turkey; peace treaties; Czechoslovakia
Description The aim of this article is to map the beginning of Czechoslovak-Turkish business relations from the end of the World War I until the signature of the Peace Treaty of Lausanne. It was created as a result of the work of the author, who has long been dealing with the issue of the process of the establishment of the Turkish business relations with Europe. This paper focuses mainly on the effort of the representatives of the Czechoslovak government in Istanbul to ensure an appropriate environment for the sale of Czechoslovak industrial products after the end of the World War I. The delegates of the Czechoslovak government in Istanbul considered local market as a great opportunity for the Czechoslovak firms and their products. It was nevertheless clear that, it was quite difficult task, since the beginning because several important steps were underestimated: primarily the opportunity to build on the previous business and financial cooperation of Austria — Hungary and the Ottoman Empire and initial disinterest of the Czechoslovak government. When collecting materials, the author mainly used the sources of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and furthermore, previously published works and articles. The author is aware that the sources used for this article are far from complete.

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