Lo sviluppo dei marcatori discorsivi nelle interlingue di apprendenti cechi e slovacchi di italiano come lingua non materna

Title in English The development of discourse markers in the interlanguage of Czech and Slovak learners of Italian as a non-mother tongue


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Italiano Linguadue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/promoitals/article/view/21939
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.54103/2037-3597/21939
Keywords L2 Italian; Second Language Acquisition; Interlanguages
Attached files
Description At first sight mere fillers in conversation, discourse markers are actually very important tools for communicative competence in both L1 and L2. The aim of the contribution is to observe their development in the interlanguages of Czech and Slovak learners of Italian as a non-mother tongue, focusing on those that perform metadiscourse functions. The data collection on which the analysis is based was carried out by alternating the focus group technique with semi-guided conversations. On this basis and employing an onomasiological approach, not only the various metadiscourse functions performed by the discourse markers were analysed, but also the presence of other phenomena, such as code-switching, idiosyncratic uses, etc. Finally, the possible effect of the immersion context on the use of the forms in question was taken into account.
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