Uklidňující dotyk sluchem : prožitek účastnice jako určující prvek tvůrčích strategií současných audioperformancí

Title in English The Soothing Touch of Hearing : the Participant’s Experience as a Defining Element in the Creative Strategies of Contemporary Audioperformances


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Theatralia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords audioperformance; audiowalk; participant experience; expanded consciousness; perception; mindfulness; ASMR; focusing
Description The study aims to present creative strategies of several audio performances created between the years 2019 and 2022 in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the author seeks to describe the audio performances on the basis of her own spectatorial experience and to explore their effect on the viewer from the perspective of Cognitive Science and Psychology. The author first introduces the phenomenon of audio performance and demonstrates that audio strategies based on the predisposition of the auditory system offer strong suggestion and emotionality. She outlines three strategies: (1) stimulation through ASMR using the tactile quality of hearing; (2) focusing one's attention on one's own body through the inner observer and focusing techniques; and (3) expanding consciousness through perspective shifting. In all three of these, she finds a significant relaxing effect with therapeutic potential, as well as an educational function regarding perception which targets an experience of a specific generation. Evocation of one's own experience, which the author seeks to defend within the theatrical field, plays an important role in the text.
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