Úvod do maltských pohádek. Xenofobní a rasistické prvky ve vybraných maltských pohádkách

Title in English An introduction to Maltese fairy tales. Xenophobic and racist features in selected Maltese fairy tales

WRANA Zuzana

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Ľudová rozprávka v súvislostiach. Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodného vedeckého kolokvia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web https://unibook.upjs.sk/sk/filozoficka-fakulta/1936-ludova-rozpravka-v-suvislostiach
Keywords fairy tale; Malta; folklore; bestiary; ATU; racism; xenophobia
Description Maltese fairy tales can be thought of as a Mediterranean melting pot at the intersection of European and Arabic fairy tale motifs. The tales often combine familiar Mediterranean themes from fairy tales with Arabic ones to create unique stories at the intersection of three religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The reader will also notice the often heavily biased tone of the stories, especially in terms of race or skin colour, and many of the tales could certainly be described as heavily racist or xenophobic, especially towards Africans. Is this just the way that the motifs in the tales naturally evolved and were inspired by the surrounding literatures, or were there other historical and cultural aspects of Malta behind this hatred?

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