Prepodavane na bălgarski ezik kato čužd za naprednali - aspekti i pomoštna literatura

Title in English Teaching Bulgarian as a foreign language for advanced students - aspects and supporting literature


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Părva nacionalna naučna konferencija s meždunarodno učastie "Ezik i nauka". Sbornik dokladi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Bulgarian as a foreign language; sources; strategies in teaching; types of exercises
Description The aim of the article is to present up-to-date resources for teaching Bulgarian as a foreign language for advanced students - for students with a knowledge of Bulgarian at the C1-C2 level of the European Framework of Reference for Languages, students in Master's programmes in Bulgarian Studies or those preparing to become translators. Attention is paid to the modern requirements for this type of didactic literature, namely their accessibility, availability on Internet platforms, the possibility of remote access and use. The text describes the variety of teaching aids published in recent years, addressing their structure, thematic scope and concept. It is illustrated with types of exercises, touching upon their focus and the possibility of work on the part of the teacher and the learner. A web address is given for all the teaching aids that are uploaded online with free access.
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