Le personnage de Marcel, un double de Michel Tremblay

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Title in English The character of Marcel, a Michel Tremblay's double


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Les Études françaises d'aujourd'hui
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://doi.fil.bg.ac.rs/pdf/eb_ser/efa/2024-15/efa-2024-15-ch23.pdf
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.18485/efa.2024.15.ch23
Keywords Quebec novel; Michel Tremblay; creative double; introspective double; rewriting
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Description Michel Tremblay is embodied in numerous heteronymous characters whose destinies are linked to his personal problems. He often adds the theme of writing and the conditioning of creativity. Our presentation has opted for works where the two axes of investigation - the personal double and the creative double - systematically intersect. These are the hexalogy Chroniques du Plateau Mont-Royal (1978-1997), which, in the guise of a family chronicle, traces the birth of the future writer. In this rewriting of Marcel Proust, but in the third person, the writer appears only as a convergence of other characters emblematic of Michel Tremblay's poetics. Among them is cousin Marcel, naturally gifted in all the arts, but eventually committed to a mental institution. Michel Tremblay devotes the final volume of his hexalogy, Un objet de beauté (1997), to this character, and returns to it in a recent novel, Le Peintre d'aquarelles (2017). The analysis attempts to identify the constituent elements of Michel Tremblay's implicit poetics illustrated through his double: catharsis, relationship to reality, relationship to tradition, inspiration, furor poeticus, madness.
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