Το περιοδικό Δοκιμασία: αντιδικτατορική στόχευση, λογοτεχνική κριτική και αισθητικοί προσανατολισμοί

Title in English The journal Dokimasia: anti-dictatorial aim, literary criticism and aesthetic orientations


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ?????????? ???µµ???
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web journal website with time embargo
Keywords Journal Dokimasia; Literary Criticism; Junta; Metapolitefsi era
Description In the present article I attempt a multifaceted presentation of the journal "Dokimasia", an important provincial journal of the Greek area. Specifically, I focus, among others, on the magazine's themes, the deeper aims of its editors and on certain aesthetic issues. At the same time, I list the most important writers and literary critics who collaborated with the journal, while I study Dokimasia as a journal that is part of the wider anti-dictatorial press in Greece.
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