Rukopisné fragmenty v kódexoch kremnickej farskej knižnice

Title in English Manuscript Fragments in the Codices of the Kremnica Parish Library


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovenská archivistika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Kremnica; Middle Ages; manuscripts; fragments; codicology
Attached files
Description The article examines fragments originating from the medieval manuscripts of the library of the Kremnica parish stored in the Slovak National Archives and presents their catalogue. In a total of 25 codices, 28 fragments were identified that have not been mentioned in the literature yet. Most of them come from the Austria, Czech Land or from the Kingdom uf Hungary. The presented collection is exceptional in several aspects. The oldest fragment is a bifolio with the text Contra Symmachum dating from the late 9th or early 10th century. The pastedown of one manuscript is made up of a letter issued by Czech Landkomtur of the Teutonic Order. Another fragment contains a mention of the Prague bookbinder Ján. The high number of Latin grammars, which are rare in other Slovak collections, is also surprising.

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