Český jazykový vliv na jinoslovanské písemnictví 14.-17. st.

Title in English Czech language influence on other Slavic scripts in the 14th-17th centuries


Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The article is devoted to the Czech language influences on Polish, Sorbian, Belarusian and Ukrainian scripts in the 14th-17th centuries. The early development of the Czech written language contributed to its «expansion» (B. Havránek) into the West Slavic lands. During the period from the 14th to the 16th centuries, the Czech language successfully functioned in Upper Silesia, Poland, and Slovakia, and influenced the development of Polish, Slovak, Sorbian writing systems. The Czech influence also spread to the Eastern written languages, particularly Old Belarusian and Old Ukrainian. This demonstrates quite active inter-Slavic contacts in the era following the collapse of Proto-Slavic unity and the independent development of the national Slavic languages.
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