Clarissimae memoriae: Two Inscribed Roman Senatorial Sarcophagi in Jerusalem’s Bible Lands Museum



Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Epigraphic Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Later Roman Empire; Christian epigraphy; sarcophagi; senatorial women
Description In this article, I publish two Latin funerary inscriptions from late antique Roman sarcophagi, which are now in the collection of the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem. The inscriptions have not been subject to scholarly examination by epigraphists. I offer an account of their genuineness, provenance, and dating, and editions of the two fourth-century epitaphs of late Roman senatorial women: one is a sepulchral inscription of Iulia Latronilla; the other is that of Octavia Baebiana. I argue that both inscriptions are genuine, originate from Rome, and date to the second quarter of the fourth century.

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