Právní praxe meziválečného Československa u kupní smlouvy v obchodním právu


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Title in English Legal Practice in Czechoslovakia at the Purchase Contract in Commercial Law in the Interwar Time


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Open access článku
Keywords Austrian Commercional Code 1862; Hungarian Commercional Code 1875; Interwar Time; Jurisprudence; Czechoslovakia; Purchase Contract
Description The text focuses on the application practice of purchase contract in the commercial law of interwar Czechoslovakia. It points to the fact that, despite the considerable similarity between the Austrian AHGB (1862) and the Hungarian Act. Nr. XXXVII/1875, in practically the entire interwar period, dualism persisted in legal practice. Commentaries on the laws reveal that for each of the laws, practically only the jurisprudence in the area of its validity was reflected, while the jurisprudence to the second law was ignored.

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