Tvorba testových úloh pro účely certifikované zkoušky z češtiny na úrovni B1

Title in English Creation test tasks for the purpose of a certified Czech language exam at level B1


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Keywords Czech as a Foreign Language, Second Language, Foreign Language
Description The paper deals with the creation of test tasks for the purposes of a certified Czech language exam at the B1 level. The test was developed for the Language School with the Right to State Language Exams PELICAN, s.r.o., in the years 2020–2021, in two different versions. The individual tasks were created in accordance with the principles of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The paper presents the language skills that a candidate at this language level should master in various areas of communication, namely reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing, and speaking. Examples are provided for each of these areas in the paper.

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