Stav a forma dochovania scholy Mamie (Pompeje) a exedry Gaia Kreperia (Eleusis) v rámci muzealizačného procesu

Title in English The condition and form of the preservation of the schola of Mamia (Pompeii) and the exedra of Gaios Kreperios (Eleusis) in the context of the musealization process


Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Antiquity - its art and architecture, has fascinated mankind across various historical and modern periods. This interest has grown with the first discoveries at ancient sites such as Pompeii. Thus, in the context of excavation and subsequent relocation to museums, irreparable damage may have occurred to selected structures. In this context, the paper will deal with two examples that did not escape the fate mentioned above, namely the schola of the priestess Mamia of Pompeii dating back to the 1st century AD and the exedra of Gaios Kreperios from Eleusis dating back to the 1st century BC. On the example of the above mentioned monuments, their history from the moment of their discovery and the state of their preservation in the context of the musealization process will be illustrated.
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