What Do We Know about Nicolaus Zangius and the Performance of His Works, and What Can Be Put into Practice Today?
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2023 |
Type | Article in Proceedings |
Conference | Hudobnohistorický výskum na Slovensku začiatkom 21. storočia, zväzok VII |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
web | Sken studie ve sborníku |
Keywords | Nicolaus Zangius; Central Europe; sacred music; polychoral repertoire; music lofts |
Description | On the example of a not very extensive body of liturgical works by Nicolaus Zangius (d. 1617), in addition to a brief biography of this remarkable musician, a complex process of studying mainly non-musical sources is presented, i.e. the study of context in a broader sense, which, however, is not an end in itself, but relates primarily to the question of the performance practice and realization of Zangius works today. |
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