Regretting Motherhood in Czech Media and Social Networks



Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In contemporary Czech society, the topic of maternal regret remains a taboo that causes mothers who regret their decision to become parents to feel isolated and hesitant to confide in close friends and family. Although regret may stem from diverse reasons, including financial challenges and single motherhood, it is often intrinsically linked to the absence of maternal love and a perceived loss of control over one's identity upon becoming a mother. This paper aims to explore how Czech media covers discussions on regretting motherhood and how women engage with this sensitive issue within online motherhood communities. Using a research approach that combines content analysis with qualitative discourse analysis, this study examines selected magazines and newspapers, TV shows, and social media networks. It seeks to uncover how Czech media portrays the concept of maternal regret, focusing on the discursive strategies used to destigmatize this topic. Simultaneously, it analyses how mothers that regret motherhood structure their narratives on social networks, focusing on how they articulate and navigate their feelings of regret, as well as the types of support and criticism they encounter from their online communities. By providing insights into both media representations and online interactions, this study intends to contribute to a more profound comprehension of the dynamics surrounding maternal regret and its impact on maternal well-being.
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