Procesní a hmotněprávní aspekty práva na ochranu (novinářského) zdroje v kontextu čl. 10 Úmluvy
Title in English | Procedural and Substantive Aspects of the Right to Protect Sources under Article 10 ECHR |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2024 |
Type | Article in Periodical |
Magazine / Source | Časopis pro pravní vědu a praxi |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
web | Open access článku |
Doi | |
Keywords | right to protect journalistic sources; reporters’ privilege; journalist; media; source; media freedom; freedom of expression; Article 10 ECHR; European Court of Human Rights |
Description | This paper lays out the content of the right to protect sources which derives from Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. On the basis of the European Court of Human Right’s case law, it argues that the right to protect sources has both procedural and substantive aspects. Concerning the substantive aspects, the right to protect sources usually manifests as a right to prevent any of the four identified types of interferences which repeatedly appear in the Court’s case law (duty to testify, searches and seizures, targetted interception of communication content or communication data, and bulk interception of the same). However, the concept of interference with the right to protect sources must ultimately be understood in the widest possible sense. Hence, the content of the said right cannot be reduced to protection against the “typical” interferences. Furthermore, the right to protect sources also entails both ex ante and ex post procedural guarantees ensuring its effective protection. In sum, content of the right to protect sources turns out to be rather extensive. |
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