New Human-Annotated Dataset of Czech Health Records for Training Medical Concept Recognition Models


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Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Text, Speech, and Dialogue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Keywords medical text analysis; electronic health records; medical concept terms; medical concept dataset; named entity recognition
Description Following the widespread successes of leveraging recent large language models (LLMs) in various NLP tasks, this paper focuses on medical text content understanding. Adapting a foundational LLM to the medical domain requires a special kind of datasets where core medical concepts are accurately annotated. This paper addresses the need of better medical concept recognition in free-text electronic health records in low-resourced Slavic languages and introduces CSEHR, a new human-annotated dataset of Czech oncology health records. It describes the dataset inception, management, considerations, processing, and finally presents baseline concept recognition model results. XLM-RoBERTa models trained on the dataset using 5-fold cross-validation achieved an average weighted F1 score of 0.672 in exact and 0.777 in partial medical concept recognition ranging from 0.335 to 0.857 per different concept classes. This paper then describes future plans of bootstrapping larger annotated corpora from the CSEHR dataset and of making the dataset publicly available. This endeavor is unique in the realm of Slavic languages and already at this stage it represents a major step in the field of Slavic medical concept recognition.",
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