Dlouhé počátky moravského biskupství

Title in English The long beginnings of the Moravian bishopric


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Historica LIV. Zborník k 60. narodeninám Vincenta Múcsku
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Moravian bishopric; Church administration; Carolingian Empire; 9th century
Description During the reign of the duke of the Bohemians, from 1085/1086 King Vratislav (1061–1092), the Moravian bishopric was restored with its seat in Olomouc. First, perhaps in 1063, the third Moravian bishop John was installed, then in 1092 the fourth Moravian bishop Andrew. Why they were designated as the "third" and "fourth", why they were titled as Moravian and not Olomouc bishops, and how far back the origins of the Moravian episcopate go, the present study attempts to explain.

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