Podoby české epistolografie od počátků až k humanismu

Title in English Forms of Czech Epistolography from the Beginnings to Humanism


Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In the dissertation we focus on the development of the Czech written literary letter from its beginnings to the earliest days of the humanistic epoch.The main aim is not a thorough and all-encompassing literary-historical treatise, but rather a series of chapters that could present the typological diversity and continuity of the Czech literary letter and its genre potential throughout the history of old Czech literature. These aspects reach their peak in the humanistic period, but not a few remarkable and literarily valuable works using the epistolographic genre or at least some of its elements appear in Czech literature earlier. The aim of the conference contribution was to present the dissertation project in its entirety and to point out some research problems.
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