Švejk jako symbol a mýtus nejen v české kultuře

Title in English Švejk as a symbol and myth (not only) in Czech culture

KOS Matěj

Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In upcoming dissertation, "A living classic? Significant literary works in an intermedial perspective", I intend to use the tools of intermedia studies to analyse the transmedializations of selected classic works of Czech literature. Jaroslav Hašek's novel "The Good Soldier Švejk" is one of those literary works to which other arts have repeatedly returned. In the marketing communications of publishers, in school textbooks and in the reflections of foreign Czech studies scholars, the work is often referred to with superlatives as the most famous, the most translated or the most popular. Who and what is Švejk in contemporary culture? Preliminary research suggests that the character of Švejk in contemporary cultural discourse tends to be associated with denotations and connotations that have little to do with the original novel. In this paper I will try to describe the media and, more broadly, the cultural contexts in which the character "Švejk" appears, typologise them and relate them to the literary pretext, using a semiological approach (especially R. Barthes) and a multimodal approach.
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