Tvůrci sakrálních interiérů na Moravě na konci 18. století

Title in English Creators of sacral interiors in Moravia at the end of the 18th century


Year of publication 2024
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The work of Franz Anton Maulbertsch has been interpreted by art historians as, among other things, "an appeal for emotional dialogical perception of the richness of visual form". According to Jiří Kroupa, such works "are not created for moral or rational instruction, [...] but rather to evoke vision and intuitive insight. They were not created for collective experience, but rather for individual "empathy". This assessment can undoubtedly be applied not only to Maulbertsch's wall paintings and altarpieces, but also more generally to the decoration of sacred interiors, to which this study is devoted.
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