Denisa Štefanigová & Miroslava Večeřová / I’ll Hold You With My Gaze



Year of publication 2024
Type Exposition
Description The exhibition of intermedia artist Miroslava Večeřová and painter Denisa Štefanigová explores the possibilities of sharing and connecting with other beings. The immediacy, sincerity and intimacy of eye contact becomes a metaphor for alternative ways of communication and cognition, which, unlike the rationalistic Western discourse, is not connected with the tendency to fit the universe into norms and formulas in an attempt to dominate and control everything. Through the eye as a symbol of empathy and understanding, in which physicality is combined with emotionality and spirituality, the artists seek more sensitive ways of interacting and bonding with other beings, both human and non-human. While Denisa Štefanigová perceives the fluidity of being-with-otherness as a process that leads her to understanding and acceptance of herself, Miroslava Večeřová's work revives the archetypal desire for connection with the elemental forces of nature and other beings.

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