Zpracování a archivace orálně historických rozhovorů aneb mezi mlýnskými kameny politiky otevřené vědy a etiky výzkumu



Year of publication 2024
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The question of "open science" has become an integral part of grant applications in recent years, and is being taken up by universities and other research institutions where oral history research is conducted. Although the issue of archiving and making oral history interviews available is integrally present in the professional community, progress in the approach to data management and accessibility have brought new challenges. Moreover, adaptation to current conditions encounters another integral part of research planning – the ethical aspect reflecting the desire to protect narrators and their communities. The effort to integrate "open data" strategy and research ethics therefore brings research plans to the ethics committees. However, they largely consider research applications in the field of medicine or similar disciplines collecting highly sensitive data on human health or privacy. They may find the current conditions of protection of narrators applied in oral history problematic (e.g. in the issue of (pseudo)anonymisation, storage and management of research data, voice recording). Planning oral history research thus finds itself caught between the 'millstones' of open data and research ethics, which requires negotiating the conditions under which to conduct research without abandoning the basic principles of oral history. The paper will reflect on current trends in research data processing, using the example of recent experiences with research planning and actual research strategies in the field of historical-pedagogical research.

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