The So-Called Ansbert and Emperor Barbarossa on the Crusade. Crusading Purposefulness or the Avoidance of Local Entanglement?

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NETÍK Mikuláš

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Herrschen und (Nicht-)Entscheiden. Politisches Handeln im Reich und Ostmitteleuropa des 12. Jahrhunderts
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords so-called Ansbert; Frederick Barbarossa; Third Crusade; crusade narrative; historiography; crusade ideology; decision making
Description The article deals with decision making and avoiding of decisions by Frederick Barbarossa on the Third Crusade, as depicted by the so-called Ansbert in his Historia de expeditione. The study shows that not only was Barbarossa's avoidance of decisions a useful strategy when dealing with local entities in the Byzantine Empire, but that it was also utilised skilfully by the so-called Ansbert to present the emperor as an ideal crusader fully devoted to recapturing Jerusalem.
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