Síla příběhu a krajina jako bytost: mezi humorem a vážností v díle Terryho Pratchetta

Title in English The power of story and landscape as a being: between humour and seriousness in Terry Pratchett's work


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Současná literatura pro děti a její vliv na rozvoj čtenářství XIII. „Nekonečné možnosti fantasy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Terry Pratchett; nature; culture;humour
Description The main focus of the paper is the tension between humour and serious themes in the fantasy world of Earthsea by British writer Terry Pratchett. The first half introduces the specific world of Earthsea and its laws, the power of the story, and the main groups of characters whose personalities the author has developed over more than thirty years - all with a view to interweaving comic devices and fundamental social and ethical issues that refer more or less directly to the dilemmas of life in the real world. The following section of the paper focuses on the series about the teenage witch Tiffany Aching, and uses her as an example to show how Pratchett emphasizes the essential connection to nature and to one's surroundings as a source of strength and life meaning.
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