ARCHÉOLOGIE DU DISCOURS AMOUREUX Prototypes et régimes de l’amour littéraire dans les traditions galloromanes médiévales

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Title in English ARCHAEOLOGY OF LOVE DISCOURSE Prototypes and regimes of literary love in medieval Gallo-Roman traditions

RUSSO Valeria

Year of publication 2024
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Love is not only one of the privileged subjects of medieval literature, it is also the object of an original discursive tradition: a vast set of narrative and lyrical motifs, multiple expressive possibilities, as well as heterogeneous contexts that are manifested as much in the richness of forms as in the diversity of media. All of this is intimately linked to the world of courtly literature, which shapes or absorbs it, depending on the era. Far from seeking a univocal definition, this archaeology intends to identify the primary components of literary love between the 12th and the beginning of the 14th century in Gallo-Roman literature. Because the dynamics linked to the birth, codification and transformation of erotic discourses change across texts, time and space. In doing so, they generate semantic layers and produce interpretative superpositions. Their understanding is thus placed from the point of view of the works, their movement, stylistic tools and the manuscript tradition.
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