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Title in English Byzantine navy and its organization between 4th and 12th century


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Živá archeologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Stránka časopisu
Keywords Byzantine navy; Archaeology of shipwrecks; Byzantine harbours
Description The Byzantine Empire was one of the maritime superpower, and therefore the organization of its navy, as well as shipbuilding techniques, navigation and port network reflect the complexity of this vital institution for the empire. The article examines the question of the structure and functioning of the Byzantine navy between 4th to 12th centuries. After a brief historical overview in which the highlights the events that directly influenced the shape of the Byzantine the Byzantine navy (e.g. the loss of the Eastern and African provinces, the loss of the and reconquest of Crete), followed by a description of its organizational structure within its administrative areas and command structure. This is followed by a description of the most typical vessels, including their equipment and modifications. Further wrecks and finally examples of Byzantine ports and the characteristics they had to meet for optimal functioning of sea lanes. Appearance and function of Byzantine ports and natural anchorages are demonstrated at selected sites from Crete.
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