SAMÁ LÁSKA (podle Jaroslava Seiferta) - dramaturgie a programový leták

Title in English SÁMÁ LÁSKA (according to Jaroslav Seifert) - dramaturgy and program leaflet


Year of publication 2024
Type Presentation of art
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Samá láska from 1924 is a collection of Jaroslav Seifert (1901–1986), who won the only Czech literary Nobel Prize in 1984. Dramaturgy will not be built on questioning the meaning of the Nobel Prize when it was given to someone who no one actually reads. We want to focus on the Samá láska collection itself. We want to focus on poems on the border between proletarian poetry, including the reflection of the new digital working class (IT), which only fulfills the demands of its clients without having to understand what it digitizes, and poeticism, i.e. the conception of the world as infinite and spontaneous poetry or poetics. It's like a cistern, an amazing piece of craftsmanship turned temple, and overgrown with dog wine. Petr Hromádka – Underground – song to order Juste Janulyte – Sleeping Patterns G. Scelsi – Kya Tomáš Šenkyřík – Vodovjemy – composition to order Josef Klíč – Plastic Meat Noemi Savková – Psí víno – composition to order BCO – Pavel Šnajdr
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