Probleme der Teilung Schlesien und der Autonomie Schlesiens in der Beziehung zum derzeitigen Niveau des Rechts- und rechtspolitischen Denkens in Mitteleuropa

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Title in English Problems of Disparition of Disparition and of Autonomy of Silesia and the Niveau of Law and Law-political Thinking in Central Europe

GONĚC Vladimír

Year of publication 2000
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Disparition of Upper Silesia between Germany and Polonia after the World War I. Autonomy of Silesia in Polonia in Comparison with Autonomy of Subcarpathian Rus in Czechoslovakia during the inter-war-period. The juridical niveau of Autonomy and the niveau of law and law-political thinking in Polonia, Czechoslovakia and Central Europe.
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