Use of Cluster Analysis for Assessment of Rainfall Regime


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Year of publication 2000
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Atmosphere sciences, meteorology
Keywords Cluster analysis; Rainfall; South Moravia
Description The contribution deals with the issue of climatological regionalisation on the basis of the study of the precipitation zone in the wide surroundings of the Nove Mlyny Basin in South Moravia. After compilation of correlation matrixes covering the relationships between annual rainfall totals in selected stations, and formation of correlation chains, potential differences between rainfall modes of individual areas of the investigated territory were defined,using cluster analysis aided with the non-hierarchical procedure of "tzpical representatives". The gained regionalisation is relatively stable even when data from different time intervals are used. Another significant fact is that the conclusions resulting from the mathematical and statistical analyses correspond to their logical, geographically accountable determination.
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