Raffaelovi dědicové na Moravě

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Title in English Raphaels Heritage in Moravia


Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Jiří Mihola (ed.). České země 1434-1620 (Od Lipan k Bílé hoře). Sborník příspěvků odborného historického semináře pro učitele dějepisu základních a středních škol.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords Architecture; Renaissance in Moravia
Description The funeral portrait of italian mason Leonardo Garvo da Bissone (1574) in Moravsky Krumlov displays the first example of the builders, who is inspired by Raphaells art of design planning. Together with the building up the type "Moravian arkades -castle" and the sgrafitto-design on the facades the really "Raphaells heirs" are working in Moravia in 1560s - the artists, who are inspired by "disegno" and "idea".
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