Morálka a svědomí v pjetí adolescentů


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Moral identity of adolescents


Year of publication 2002
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The period of adolescence opens a new space for the fulfilment of one's own way of being. That is performed through activities in the sense of self-knowledge, seeking new experience in contacts with coevals, in attitudes towards authorities, institutions and society. We carried out the empirical survey by addressing 30 students at comprehensive schools (17 girls and 13 boys with the average age of 16.3). During a moderated group talk we concentrated on values, needs and attitudes of the adolescents to selected existential topics (their attitudes towards good, responsibility, self-recognition, future, conscience, etc.). Another source of data showing the inner lives and ways of thinking of the adolescents were essays to the topic of conscience, which appeared as the most frequent during the group talk. To evaluate the data acquired, we used a value analysis, namely the method of grounded theory (Strauss, A., Corbin, J., 1999). Our survey has resulted in finding that the adolescents long for a possibility of free self-expression as support and manifestation of ego. Lack of freedom, which comes from the social standards or authorities, is considered as restriction or manipulation. We noted differences between boys' and girls' answers. The girls are rather more able to accept other persons and they actualise themselves particularly in an "emotional concern"; they feel being responsible for the commitments in the sense of "being assigned to do something". The boys take much more realistic attitudes; success in the professional career is a significant value for them.
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