Slovensko v éře první diktatury: politický režim a jeho proměny (1938/1939 - 1945)

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Slovakia in the Era of the First Dictatorship: Political Regime and its Development (1938/1939 - 1945)


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Slovak state; totalitarian and authoritarian regimes
Description This article applies classical typologies of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carl Friedrich and Juan Linz on the first Slovak Republic (Slovak State). Its political regime from 1938/1939 to summer 1940 can be classified as organic statism. Organic structures (corporativist structures) and connection with antiliberal and anticapitalist response of the Catholic Church in encyclicals like the Rerum Novarum is typical for this type of authoritarian regime. Nevertheless, nazi pressure led to transition of regime design into "defective" (or "arrested") totalitarian regime, which is in the sense of Linz typology in "grey" zone between totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. German war's defeats and changes inside Slovak regime's camp resulted in erosion of regime base since the end of 1942 and led into other regime's stage. The end of the stage of the "unclear" authoritarian regime entailed into armed insurrection in August 1944. The totalitarian episode, in which the main role was played by the German occupation forces, filled up the last months of war.
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