On distinguished curves in parabolic geometries

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ČAP Andreas SLOVÁK Jan ŽÁDNÍK Vojtěch

Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Transformation Groups
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web http://www.springerlink.com/content/q0xb50cjh70e59r5/?p=9dc27ea2762b472a9c8ecffaf59dcdbf&pi=2
Field General mathematics
Keywords parabolic geometries; homogeneous curves; generalized geodesics
Description All parabolic geometries, i.e.~Cartan geometries with homogeneous model a real generalized flag manifold, admit highly interesting classes of distinguished curves. The geodesics of a projective class of connections on a manifold, conformal circles on conformal Riemannian manifolds, and Chern--Moser chains on CR--manifolds of hypersurface type are typical examples. We show that such distinguished curves are always determined by a finite jet in one point, and study the properties of such jets. We also discuss the question when distinguished curves agree up to reparametrization and discuss the distinguished parametrizations in this case. We give a complete description of all distinguished curves for some examples of parabolic geometries.
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