"... z vřelé lásky k mně drahému Brnu a k mým spoluobčanům ...". Gomperzova sbírka a její odkaz v kontextu dobového sběratelství.

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Title in English " ... aus warmer Liebe für die mir teure Stadt Brünn und meine Mitbürger ..." Die Sammlung Gomperz und ihr Vermachtnis im Kontext des zeitgenössischen Sammlertums


Year of publication 2004
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Paper is focused on the origin, structure and a later fate of the private collections of Heinrich Gomperz (1843-1894), businessman, banker and well known representative of the political and cultural life in Brno in the 2. Half of the 19th Century, whose interest as collector was devoted the Austrian, German and Belgian art of the 19th century.
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