Od "malé Evropy" k "velké Evropě". Dějiny rozšiřování Evropských společenství/Evropské unie, 1950-2002, sv. 1

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Title in English From the "Small Europe" to the "Great Europe". A History of the Enlargement Process of the European Communities/European Union, 1950-2002, vol. 1

GONĚC Vladimír

Year of publication 2002
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Phenomenon of enlargement process in the evolution of European integration. General legal conditions of accession and real chances. First "northern enlargement", "southern enlargement", second "northern enlargement", "eastern enlargement". tratification of affiliation process. European Economic Area. How far can enlargement of integrating Europe go? Main special types and evolution routes of accession: Great Britain (or beside Europe and above Europe, or being in Europe and at the same time tured back to her, or a country that does not known what she wants, only that she wants to stay a superpower, and that does not to see where she geographically lays), Austria (or a small country in Central Europe does not want to live at the edge of Europe nor so stay limited by malevolence of non-European powers), Switzerland (or how the archetype of Europe dwelling on her roof is harrowed by fear of descending to its neighbours).
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