A Social Critique of Czech Musicality: A Typology of Listeners to Music


BEK Mikuláš

Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords sociology of music
Description In the autumn of 2001, the author conducted a rather extensive sociological survey in the Czech Republic concerning preferences in music and musical activities. A representative sample of the population, aged between 18 and 75, included more than 1,000 people. The survey explored broader contexts of musical consumption as well. A set of questions concerning the relationship of the subjects to social groups defined by nationality and race, and attitudes to violence or sexual orientation, served as indicators of broader cultural values. The exploration of relationships among musical and extra-musical characteristics resulted in constructing a slightly Adornian typology of listeners to music including following types: Brass & Country, Pop Only, Soft Rock, Easy Listening, Hard Core, Classical Tradition, and Love for Everything.
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