E-learning for translators and interpreters - the Case of CMS Moodle



Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Resources and Tools for e-Learning in Translation and Localisation
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://ecolore.leeds.ac.uk/xml/project/news.xml?lang=en
Field Linguistics
Keywords e-Learning; localisation; translation
Description The aim of the paper is to present courses in specialized translation and interpreting taught in elf (an acronym derived from elearning and the Czech name of the faculty) at the Department of English and American studies . Information from the Consortium for Training Translation Teachers seminar and the project description prepared as part of the CTTT Certificate programme is reflected in the paper it summarizes the main features of the Open Source Course Management System Moodle. The paper deals with various methodological issues involved in the teaching. In conclusion, the future of distance learning and online testing is considered.
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