Čtyři prozíravé koncepty středoevropské a evropské politiky: R. Hotowetz/V. Schuster - M. Hodža - A. Basch - H. Ripka

Title in English Four Far-seeing Concepts of Central European and European Policy: R. Hotowetz/V. Schuster - M. Hodža - A. Basch - H. Ripka

GONĚC Vladimír

Year of publication 2005
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description From the 1920s to the 1950s, these personalities were involved with problems of the European integration and position of Czechoslovakia in the European dimension. In comparison with both traditional and modernized concepts of international relations based on the balance, they brought concepts of use of supranational institutions and mechanisms for Central European and European arrangement. These personalities occupied the top positions in the world of economy and politics what enabled them to criticise such concepts of the European cooperation and integration that were either built dogmatically without evaluating incipient reality ot that were just dreamt bona fide.
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