Jaké garanční mechanismy pro soužití národů a národností? Modely pro střední Evropu (a Evropu) ve 20. století

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Title in English About the garancy mechanisms for the coexistence of ethnical majorities and minorities in a national state. Models for Central Europe and Europe during the 20th century

GONĚC Vladimír

Year of publication 2005
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Karl Renner's projects at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries. Georg Jellinek. "Self-determination of nations" in Russia after February 1917. Experiment of democratic solution of ethnical coexistence in Ucraine. Karl Renner at the end of WWI. František Weyr. Negative experience after WWI and during the inter-war-period. Models under the League of Nations. New projects by Paul Gugenheim, Hans Kelsen. West European experience since the end of WWII to the present times.
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