Odsun Němců z Polska a Československa: Rozdílná stanoviska pro vyrovnávání se s minulostí.

Title in English The Transfer of the Germans from Czechoslovakia and Poland: A Different Points of Wiew by Dealing with the Past


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Konec soužití Čechů a Němců v Československu. Sborník k 60. výročí ukončení II. světové války
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.cdk.cz/knihy/185/konec-souziti-cechu-a-nemcu-v-ceskoslovensku/
Field History
Keywords Population Transfers; Forced Migrations
Description The Paper attempts to compare a different historical, intern and foreign political and social conditions of the differencies in course and impacts of the postwar population transfers of the Germans from Czechoslovakia and Poland and their influence on the perception of this theme in both of these Societies.
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