Možnosti uplatnění zakotvené teorie v pedagogickém výzkumu: Rodinná socializace dětského televizního diváctví

Title in English Options of the Application of the Grounded Theory in Pedagogic Research: Family Socialization of Childrens TV-Watching


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, Studia paedagogica U 10
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords educational research; grounded theory; coding techniques
Description The articel deals with the use of the method of grounded theory in educational research, focusing on specific coding techniques the method works with. A cenocrete example of the research practice is used to explain the process: a survey of the family socialization of childrens TV watching, using in-depth intervews as the main technique of data collection. Thes specific example shows the effects the coding technique of data collection. This specific example shows the effecet the coding techniques of the grounded theory can offer, such as, and primarily, axial coding.

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