Studentský výzkum jako nástroj poznání pedagogické reality

Title in English Students´ research as a way how to explore educational reality


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference PEDAGOGICKÁ EVALUACE ´06 Sborník příspěvků z konference s mezinárodní účastí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords labor marker; macroworld; microworld; maternity leave; non-governmental non-profit organization; qualitative evaluation; qualitative research
Description The aim of the paper is to provide an example of connecting students research activity – as an important part of the training of experts in the field of educational sciences – and interest of organizations where students participate as student practitioners. The paper is based on experience with activities realized as a part of project Qualitative research in educational sciences: strengthening professional competencies of students (supported by Operational scheme Human Resource Development of European Social Fund). Thanks to this project students of Educational Sciences and Social Education and Counseling learn how to evaluate educational processes and effects using qualitative methodology. The process and its outcomes is presented on the example of educational programs of Centre for family and social Care Brno, which are focused on support of employability of woman after maternity leave.

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