Potřebné knihy? Ikonografie, knihy emblémů a artifex doctus v Čechách na konci 18. století

Title in English Required reading? Iconography, emblem books and artifex doctus in the Bohemia at the end of the Eighteenth Century


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Beket Bukovinská - Lubomír Slavíček (ed), Pictura verba cupit. Sborník příspěvků pro Lubomíra Konečného. Essays for Lubomír Konečný
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords artifex doctus (educated painter); library of artist; iconographical handbooks; emblem books; Johann Quirin Jahn; Dominik Kindermann
Description The article uses the examples of Johann Quirin Jahn (1739-1802) and Dominik Kindermann (1739-1817), two late eighteenth century artists, to show that the ideal of the educated painter (artifex doctus), as postulated by Renaissance art theory, had not lost its significance at this period. It also demonstrated that in spite of critical reservations of contemporary art theory about traditional iconographical handbooks and emblem books this type of literature was well represented un the libraries of both artists, and was without doubt also used in their work.
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